Flair Riders

Flair is the brain child of rider Jack Field who originally became interested in bikes at a young age thanks to father, Ron. Starting on a PW50 at age 4, Jack rode competitively at a high level in moto-trials however what he preferred was performing in front of a crowd. What started as demos at school fetes and bike shop sale days soon escalated to bigger events by word of mouth.

In 2007 Jack met his partner Rhianna, who grew up and worked in the motorcycling industry and also worked part-time as a freelance model. With big dreams they both dedicated the next 4 years to building Flair to be a reputable company capable of performing multiple shows all over Australia at the same time.

Today, Flair boasts the best international freestyle trials and BMX shows seen, with multiple setups of all sizes and a team of 10 Australian riders, Flair perform at the Caravan, Camping, 4WD, Fish & Boat show on Saturday and Sunday.

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